This was the last week of Home Business Immersion training with Diane Hochman

And to be perfectly honest…

I feel the same way I did the day the store I was working at last year closed…

Sad…Shell Shocked…Grateful…DoorNervous

but mostly…


I am dying to see what is waiting to be discovered on the next leg of this journey…

One and a half 90 day game plans DONE…

And the results have been nothing short of EYE-POPPING and BRAIN BOGGLING

But before I get into all of that…

What the heck is Home Business Immersion anyway ….???

It is a 6 week … 5-7 day a week… hands on… LIVE… super intensive…mind meld…

My MIND got FUSED to Diane Hochman’s….

Remember the TV series Star Trek….???

Remember that really cool Vulcan Mind Meld that Mr. Spock could do with other people….???

In which he was able to CONNECT his mind to another person’s mind…Mind_Meld

So that he could see what was going on in their mind and they could see what was going on is his…???

In essence allowing both people to become ONE…creating a single consciousness…???


Just imagine…being plugged into Diane’s HEAD for six weeks…

That woman has forgotten more about marketing than most people will ever learn…

How DO you go from being a fat…dumpy…totally shy… $40K in debt…unemployed housewife…with ZERO marketing skills…

To someone that is RECOGNIZED as one of the most successful network marketers in the business today…???

It is pretty simple actually… you do exactly what she did…

My head is still POUNDING from everything that I learned…

I have to laugh at myself a little bit…remember that video I did just as we were going into the last quarter of 2009..??

If you didn’t have a chance to see it…I put it in the box on the right hand side of the blog…for you to watch it…

I worked that 90 day plan as part of my first Immersion class with Diane….

Things slowly started happening…

People started opting  in to receive my e-newsletter….

People started commenting on my blog more frequently…

My team started getting bigger…

And as all of this started happening…the money started coming in….

A tiny little commission here and there…but it was coming in regularly…

When I wrote my 90 day game plan for the first quarter of 2010…

I KNEW that I was going to participate in Immersion Training again…

I didn’t have the money on hand to be able to that…I just decided that I would create it…and I did…

I was able to do that because of the foundation that I had laid the during my first 90 day cycle…

So far…everything I am doing is doubling every month…

As I am working through the last half of this second 90 cycle…

Everything is going to keep on doubling because of the way I have built the foundation of my business…

This is sooooo not about recruiting 50 people a month into the “HOT” new business opportunity of the month…

What this IS about…

Is being ME…my genuine, authentic self…and allowing people enough time and space so that the RIGHT PEOPLE for me COME TO ME…and allow me to HELP THEM get what they need to move forward with their lives and their businesses…

This way of doing business is SOOOOO different than anything else that is being taught out there…

Sure….I use all the conventional FORMS OF ATTRACTION MARKETING…I totally believe that it is the type of marketing that produces the best results…

But…the ultimate difference between the kind of marketing that I am doing now and “traditional attraction marketing” is that my emphasis is now on “Thinking Like My Ideal Customer…Client…Prospect” … and I am literally able to step into their minds and KNOW exactly who they are and how to best serve them…

I learned HOW to do that because I was able to “see” inside of Diane’s head and learn how to think the way my perfect client does…

THIS is what has allowed her to stay at the top of HER game for a decade…

And THIS is what she teaches people to do in Immersion…

I am soooo looking forward to the next Immersion class which is going to be held sometime during March or April…

Diane is taking a month off of teaching Immersion to finalize the details on a PROPRIETARY MARKETING PROJECT that will have a really big impact on the way people build their businesses…I am really looking forward to learning more about this…so far she hasn’t given a whole lot of detail to anyone…

If you would like to be on an “Early Bird” list and get information about the upcoming Immersion class and Diane’s new project as I get it…fill in the form below…and as I get the details…I will share them with you so that you can see if this will be something beneficial to you and your business….


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