by Rose Mis | Jan 27, 2011 | Newsletter, Online Marketing, Personal Development |
Three weeks into January and it is COLDER than I can ever remember it being here in New York City. Three weeks into 2011 … are things looking the way you want them to for your business this year? Or, are they just the way you remember them from last year …...
by Rose Mis | Jan 21, 2011 | Network Marketing |
I was absolutely stunned when I heard that EIRO Research, a network marketing company specializing in health and wellness products has officially closed down all of their operations. The front page of their website ( is now a cessation of operations...
by Rose Mis | Jan 10, 2011 | Network Marketing, Newsletter, Online Marketing |
Where DID The Money Go? By: Chef Rose Mis 2011 is already ten days old … WOW !! I hope that you had a magnificent New Year's Eve and have enjoyed a yummy start to the New Year. Everything feels very different this year doesn't it? Kind of like coming out...
by Rose Mis | Dec 31, 2010 | Mindset FIRST !!, Network Marketing, Newsletter, Online Marketing, Personal Development |
My Simple Wish And A Big Challenge For You In 2011 by: Chef Rose Mis It's that time of year again, the time when many of us start making a list of "resolutions" for the New Year. Do you know what the number one resolution people make each year is?...