Just spent the past hour or so reading Ryan Deiss’ Perpetual Traffic Report. VERY good food for thought. Regardless of whether you love Google or hate them, you have got to pay attention to what Google wants you to do as an internet marketer. There is a very simple reason for that. Most of the rest of the world – and by that I mean the people that actually use Google as a “Search Engine” – are looking for RELEVANT information that will help them get the information and answers they are looking for on the internet.
Google just went through a major update with their ranking algorithm. You can read all about “Google Caffeine”, Google’s new web-indexing system, on the official Google Blog. It is very clear that some aspects of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) are now more important than ever if you want your information to be indexed by Google. It is also CRYSTAL clear that your site(s) will be de-indexed if you do not have “human activity” on your site.
Bloggers (especially network marketers who are using their blog as their online “business hub”) should pay attention to that last statement.
It is really significant because it dovetails with Google’s Mission Statement – “…we (at Google) continue to push the limits of existing technology to provide a fast, accurate and easy-to-use service that anyone seeking information can access…” (you can read Google’s entire Mission Statement by clicking ===>> HERE <<=== and I recommend that you do, because it is a fine example of a working Mission Statement) and EVERY business, offline or online , needs to have a Mission Statement. Several months ago I wrote a blog post for thatMLMbeat talking about why Mission Statements are so important and how to craft and use one for your business blog.
In the Perpetual Traffic Report, Ryan gives a great little recipe for Google’s Ranking Triad …
[stextbox id=”alert” color=”bf1102″ bcolor=”b31103″ bgcolor=”e4e7ba”]Google is NOT going to bother ranking a new site until it gets some traffic (human activity).[/stextbox]
If getting a site ranked is like baking a cake …
- Content and links are the “ingredients” (flour, eggs, sugar, etc)
- Traffic (human activity) is the “heat” that causes the cake mix (content and links) to turn into a beautifully baked cake (content that is determined relevant by HUMANS and gobbled up – indexed – by Google)
If you don’t apply “heat” to the cake mix … you have a goopy pile of stuff that never turns into a finished product that is worthy of being consumed by Google and that is a waste of time and effort 🙁
Since I don’t believe in wasting time and energy, here is what I am doing to capitalize on this really good news about getting found organically on the first page of Google !!
- I have read and downloaded Ryan’s Perpetual Traffic Report
- I placed myself on the “Cherry Picker List” – Free Software is a good thing … Ryan’s freebies are equal to Frank Kern’s (and Kern is one of the best on the net in my humble opinion)
- I am revisiting my Mission Statement to get LASER FOCUSED on my MISSION, why this blog and my business exist, who my target audience is and redoing the SEO on all of my content (if you need HELP with yours … ask me and we will brain storm together)
- I am recommitting to Content Syndication. And, for me, the Tribe Syndication Association is the way to do that. Check them out if you would like to get more exposure for your content.
- I am inviting you to interact with me directly on the blog. It will give you a nice bit of exposure, a back link to YOUR blog and it will also help me get MORE HEAT applied to THIS blog !! Since I believe in the Law of Reciprocity, you KNOW what that means for YOU and turning up the heat on YOUR BLOG !! Win-Win-Win all the way around … a NO sleazy black hat marketing shenanigans are required !! 🙂
Let’s get this DONE together…
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It’s Shake and Bake Time – Perpetual Traffic and Google’s Ranking Triad http://bit.ly/cMKl33
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It's Shake and Bake Time – Perpetual Traffic and Google's Ranking Triad http://bit.ly/cMKl33