After losing her corporate job in March of 2009, entrepreneur Laura Denktash did not waste time. She quickly leveraged a book she had self-published, and went on to found Balanced Rock Press, a new publishing company in northern California. She also created an incredible Internet Real Estate Empire in less than a year.
Laura and I met during the early part of 2009 on Facebook. (Whoever says that Social Networking doesn't work, flat out doesn't like to network with people.) It was also around this time that I met Prakash Adhikari from Nepal (through Twitter and then we connected on Facebook.) Laura had written the most incredible cookbook featuring over 300 recipes all made with roses – The Rose Cookbook. It was serendipity. Laura and I hit it off big time. Laura and Prakash became friends as well. Foodies always connect … LOL
One thing led to another …
Laura was in the process of creating her Cookbook Coach System, "The Seven Secrets of a Successful Self-Published Cookbook" to assist people who want to write and publish their own cookbook. Well … that was something that I was considering doing. I must have 4 or 5 cookbooks floating around in my head. Laura and I had some GREAT conversations about my doing that. When Laura told me what was involved I realized that having an expert to help me would shorten my learning curve considerably. However, I had too many other things going on to give writing a cookbook the time and attention it would need.
When Prakash and Laura connected, Prakash saw the possibilities immediately !! Within just a few months, Prakash wrote his first cookbook with Laura's help … and I just found out today that his cookbook "Recipes From The Top Of The World" is about to be published as an e-Book and then released as a hard cover book later on in the year. Way to go Prakash !!
Before you write your first book, you think of it as a means to an end. After you write your first book, you realize it was just the beginning! ~ Laura Denktash
Creating A Virtual Empire
Laura is a VERY savvy business woman with a 17 year background as a technical writer and expertise in quality assurance, procedural, and business systems writing. After being laid off, she wasted no time in creating her "Plan B" which was centered around all of the things she learned while she was writing and publishing The Rose Cookbook.
Laura also understands the tremendous power of networking. As I said earlier, I first met her on Facebook. When we connected, she was looking for someone to help her learn cutting edge internet marketing skills that she could use to market her own products and to help her clients get the exposure they would need to reach a big audience.
Kudos to Laura for being an excellent student, ferocious learner and an all massive action taker. In less than 18 months, Laura has created an enormous presence for herself on the internet. She has multiples sites featuring her various services and products … Cookbook Coaching … Branding … Publishing … an online e-Commerce site …
She now has 16 or 17 different publishing projects in the works. Her calendar is full of coaching clients. She gets referrals on a daily basis. And she is working on co-authoring a second book with Chef Franco Lania. In addition to all of that, Laura has also created the IACBW (International Association of Cookbook Writers).
Laura is no slouch offline either. She is going to be the emcee at the next regional meeting of Powerful Women International in Sacramento CA, September 11, 2010. The theme will be "Born to Win". Their motto is "Faith Can Move Mountains". I cannot think of a more appropriate event for Laura to host. She also participates in and is a featured presenter at a local Prosperity Group. And locally, she is becoming very well known for her Publishing prowess.
The El Dorado Hills Cookbook is Laura's brainchild. It is a compilation cookbook and this year, The Grace Foundation of Northern California, an equine rescue and rehabilitation facility located in El Dorado Hills will be featured. The Grace Foundation will receive 10% of all sales from the El Dorado Hills Cookbook. To learn more about The Grace Foundation of Northern California, visit
The Power of Network Marketing
There is an art to being irresistible and memorable. Although the usual theme of the posts that I write are about Network Marketing as it applies to Direct Sales and MLM, EVERYONE of us is a Network Marketer, and Laura is a perfect example of a consummate Network Marketer.
Your richest resources will always be in your richest relationships. And, Laura always uses network marketing as her vehicle of choice for "Personal Marketing" because she understands that her net worth is found in her network. Personal marketing is high art. You are selling NOTHING but yourself. Combine that with KILLER QUESTIONS that allow you to position yourself as a perfect solution for someone's problems … and the only question they ask is "When can we start working together?"
Become fascinating while networking with others. How do you do that? Simple. Talk less, listen more, ask insightful questions.When you allow other people to do most of the talking, YOU become VERY fascinating to them 🙂
Monday, August 30, at 7:00 pm EST, Laura and I are going to be chatting about her inspiring journey from laid off to launching an empire.
We are going to be joined by Terry Hartley and perhaps a couple of other really cool networkers who will be able to add more content and context to our conversation.
You are invited to join us via telephone, (646) 915-8293
Or you can listen on via the internet at …
Looking forward to hearing YOU on the call !!
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@TheRoseDiva ~ Laura Denktash Went From Laid Off To Launching An Empire In Less Than Two Years
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@TheRoseDiva ~ Laura Denktash Went From Laid Off To Launching An Empire In Less Than Two Years
RT @Rose_Mis Laura Denktash Went From Laid Off To Launching An Empire In Less Than Two Years #thatMLMbeat
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RT @Rose_Mis Laura Denktash Went From Laid Off To Launching An Empire In Less Than Two Years #thatMLMbeat
RT @thatMLMbeat: RT @Rose_Mis Laura Denktash Went From Laid Off To Launching An Empire In Less Than Two Years
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
RT @thatMLMbeat: RT @Rose_Mis Laura Denktash Went From Laid Off To Launching An Empire In Less Than Two Years