Ty Tribble is launching Blogging For Prospects tomorrow and alot of people are VERY excited about this new blog training. Ann Sieg, the creator of Renegade Network Marketer and George Fourie, creator of thatMLMbeat.com, are supporting Ty’s new product 1000%.
MLM Blog Secrets goes “LIVE” Tuesday, June 15th at exactly 9:00 a.m. eastern. And I think that if you have not at least watched Ty’s Videos that he created as part of this product launch, you are missing out on some great training. You can access the videos by clicking ==>> HERE !!<<==
In the first video, you’ll get to watch a one hour presentation that Ty did for the Renegade Live Event earlier this year. This is seminar footage that nobody else has seen except for the network marketers that paid $1,297 to attend the event. You’ll learn a number of fresh techniques you can immediately apply to your business (and your blog) to get better results.
The second video is by far the funniest and most entertaining of them all!! Ty takes his 8-year old son in for a haircut after school. The reason? Tyler needs to look his best for his “internet marketing debut!” Ty’s son steps in front of the whiteboard and confidently explains Frank Kern’s “triangle of trust” method before passing the show back over to his dad. At that point, Ty reveals how you can get a year’s worth of traffic to your blog in less than 30 days by using www.search.Twitter.com. VERY valuable lesson, and one that has left me thinking that I need to get back on Twitter ASAP.
The third video is an interview between Ann Sieg and Ty Tribble. Ann really asks him alot of questions about business-building. If you’re a newbie, you’ll discover how you can establish a web presence quickly – and flourish – in what some network marketers believe to be a saturated online marketplace. You’ll also learn how to consistently produce high-quality, “lead-generating” content for your blog – even if you hate writing or aren’t any good at it! Plus, Ty discusses a number of other specific, actionable strategies to help you start and maintain a profitable blog for your particular home-based business.
The fourth video is a short 6 minute video that Ty uses to demonstrate that the average blog attracts 55% more visitors and gets indexed 434% more by search engines than a traditional static website. He does this by providing you with a couple of real-time, real-world examples. You’ll also get to see how he “piggybacks” off his competition – other heavy-hitters in the MLM industry – to get qualified traffic back to his blog. Under normal circumstances, this type of traffic would cost anywhere from $0.50 to $2.00 per visitor – but Ty shows how to do it for free!
You can watch an interview that George Fourie did with Ty on thatMLMbeat.TV
The video below is a Q & A that Ty did exclusively for the members of thatMLMbeat.com LOTS of good info !!
That MLM Beat Blogging Q & A from Ty Tribble on Vimeo.
And, as I was poking around the internet, I found another really good video that Ty did earlier this year about how to use both warm market and internet marketing strategies to put some serious leverage into building your network marketing business.
WordPress and Social Media Outline from Ty Tribble on Vimeo.
Some seriously good stuff … !!!
Ty has been blogging sine 2003. He has done over 5,ooo posts and is considered the world’s best MLM blogger.
GREAT credentials right …???
You know what REALLY impresses me about Ty…???
This LEGEND, actually took the time to COMMENT on a blog post I wrote for thatMLMbeat.com a couple of weeks ago. Ty walks his talk. That is a big part of his great success. Thank you Ty for being one of the good guys!!
Folks … I am not sure what the final price point of Ty’s blogging class is going to be …. I understand that it is under $200.
But, I would seriously look at this as a great opportunity to get training from someone who knows how to use a blog properly AND has the results to back up what he says.
However, it has to make sense for you and your budget.
Earlier this evening, George and I had a chat about Ty’s training program and this is what he told me:
It’s the only click-by-click training program out there that breaks down every aspect of blogging for prospects into doable steps…
Each class is delivered from start to finish in a high-quality video format so you can learn by watching.
There are 3 modules.
[stextbox id=”custom” color=”b31c03″ bcolor=”b41403″ bgcolor=”e4e4b3″]In Module One Ty starts off with a quick introduction that will put you in the proper mindset.[/stextbox]
- Then he’s going to show you all the basics of how to get a domain, set-up hosting, and install WordPress. He’s going to show you the best themes, plug-ins, and widgets to use. He’s also going to show you how to create your first blog page and first blog post. By the time you’re finished with the first module…You’ll Have A Blog That’s Up And Running And Working Perfectly!
[stextbox id=”custom” color=”a81804″ bcolor=”b21204″ bgcolor=”e4e6a7″]The second module is where things start getting more advanced just in case you already have a blog up and running. This module is all about…Creating Content That Generates Leads, Sales, And Sign-Ups Even if you’re NOT a writer![/stextbox]
- Ty will do most of the work for us by giving us a long list of websites we can use to copy other people’s content – without them getting upset! In fact, if we use this technique the way he teaches… There’s a good chance the person who wrote the article will actually thank us for using it! I have done this on a few occasions for this blog and it works like a charm !!
Oh, and by the way … These articles aren’t just any old articles.
They’re The Most Popular Ones On The Internet Related To Your Specific Niche!
Think about the power and leverage of that for a second….
You’re providing value to your prospects. You’re getting leads, sales, and sign-ups WITHOUT having to write much of anything. And the person who wrote the article is happy because you’re plugging them on your blog. It’s a win-win for everyone involved! I know a couple of the sites that Ty refers to … and the quality of the articles is EXCELLENT and if the original author likes what YOU have to say … that could be the beginning of a mutually beneficial relationship 😉
- Ty is also going to show us exactly how to create our own content just in case we want to and it definitely is an important ingredient to a balanced blogging strategy.
So by the time you’re finished with the second module, not only will you have a blog … You’ll Have Killer Content For It Too!
[stextbox id=”custom” color=”c52506″ bcolor=”b21604″ bgcolor=”d8d88c”]The third module is all about getting qualified prospects to visit your blog … and this is the one that interests ME the most !! [/stextbox]
Ty’s going to show us lots of different ways to get the best kinds of traffic. Including The Most Up-To-Date Traffic Generation Methods He’s Personally Using Right Now!
Apparently, this is stuff he hasn’t shared with anyone else before other than his team and a small number of coaching clients who pay him $200/hour.
- His latest SEO strategies.
- His latest social media strategies.
- His latest social bookmarking strategies.
- His latest blog commenting strategies.
- His latest forum commenting strategies.
So by the time you’re done with the third module, not only are you going to have a blog with great content on it … You’re Going To
Start Having Traffic! Real traffic … dependable traffic. And Ty is going to show us how to convert that traffic into loyal distributors and repeat customers!
Hallelujah !!
Anyway … take the time to watch all the videos … there’s over 3 hours of info there. If you like what you see and it makes sense for you to get this training, here is the link that you will need to use ==>>http://thatmlmbeat.com/bloggingforprospects
That is George Fourie’s link to the program. Should you decide to purchase the training, George will receive a small commission that will help defray some of the costs of running thatMLMbeat.com !!
Hope that you have received some AWESOME value from this post !!
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@thatMLMbeat: Ready, Set, Start Blogging For Prospects With Ty Tribble http://bit.ly/asL84B
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Ready, Set, Start Blogging For Prospects With Ty Tribble http://bit.ly/aRxpNQ #thatMLMbeat
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
@thatMLMbeat: Ready, Set, Start Blogging For Prospects With Ty Tribble http://bit.ly/asL84B
Ready, Set, Start Blogging For Prospects With Ty Tribble http://bit.ly/aRxpNQ #thatMLMbeat