I don’t know about you…but….

I think that if I see ONE more big product launch….

And there have been some big ones in the past 4-5 weeks…

Google Buzz …. Google’s Social Network

Google TV Ads …. Anyone Can Advertise On TV Now …. FOR Pennies

Andy Jenkins and Video Boss…

CPA Training Offers by the FISTFUL….

Facebook Ad Power from Ryan Deiss

Frank Kern and List Control

Stompernet and Mobile Marketing

I am just going to hide under the kitchen table….hiding_Under_the_table



My head feels like it is going to EXPLODE !!!

I don’t know about you…BUT…

If YOU Are Feeling Overwhelmed And Confused By

Too Much Information And Training…

Mike Dillard … the guy that created BetterNetworker.com ….

Is LAUNCHING a NEW PROGRAM that will allow regular people like you and me to get the training and results we need FASTER…CHEAPER…with the

“What’s Working Now SHORTCUT SYSTEM”

Cliff  Notes for Internet Marketers…

Mike believes that information overload is responsible for decreased results in building a business….

And he confesses that he has experienced this throughout his entire career !!!

Information overload is responsible for lots of new people getting stuck … and then later quitting when then aren’t seeing any results…

Sound familiar….???

Weeding through all of this information is REALLY TOUGH if you have a full time job and a family to feed…

There simply aren’t enough hours in the day to get it all done…

On a conference call this evening Mike announced that the “What’s Working Now System”will be available to EVERYONE on March 9,2010 !!!

The site is getting hammered right now because of the conference call…

But….I think that the information is at least worth taking a look at…

See for yourself  if this is how you are going to get more done in less time…

==>>  What’s Working Now

Things that make you sigh with relief …. or something that makes you hmmmm …

You decide !!!

Would love to know what some of YOUR frustrations are…

Share a war story or two….we all have them…

Just tell it like it is in the comments box below!!!

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