As much as I LOVE to cook…I truly enjoy going out and having a fine dining experience…

To me…a fine dining experience is when I get EXACTLY what I want…when I want it….how I want it…

All delivered to me as though I was the only person on the face of the earth…

It makes me FEEL cared for…appreciated…acknowledged…SPECIAL…LISTENED TO…

I feel SATISFIED !!!

And..I gladly pay the price for all of that…

I also have a tendency to over tip the bearer of all of my goodies…

And I come back for more…

If I am served by someone that doesn't take the time to LISTEN to what I tell them…

I may or may not get EXACTLY what I want…when I want it…how I want it…

It is usually delivered to me in a very perfunctory manner…as though I am just another task to be done…

And that makes the food taste … not so good … the dining room looks…not so good…the bathroom is…not so clean

And I feel as though… I have been kind of ripped off….

And…I really dislike parting with my hard earned dollars when I don't feel as though I am getting value for my money…

And I never go back again…

It has been ingrained in me for years that as a Chef….it is my RESPONSIBILITY to treat others EXACTLY as they wish to be treated…

Provide them with exactly what they want…when they want it …how they want it….

I do this..and my customers come back for more…paying handsomely along the way…

People LOVE to buy…it validates them…makes them feel really GOOD...

In MIchael Port's most recent Entrepreneur Magazine article ….

He distills the essence of this by saying that we should allow our customers set expectations from the very start…

That way we can create a successful environment in which to serve them…

This is true for any business…online or offline…

Everyone is squawking about SPAM…and with good reason….

There is more e-mail, Twtitter and Facebook SPAM than ever before….

The reason for this is VERY simple…

SPAMMERS don't care about other people…they ONLY CARE about themselves and what's in it for them…

Pretty short term thinking if you ask me…

If these people took the time to build some RELATIONSHIPS with OTHER PEOPLE….

To find out how they like to be communicated with…what's important to them…what they really need to make their lives better…

They could actually build a business honestly and ethically….with relationship and integrity…with mutual respect….

Value based relationships …. that serve BOTH the buyer and the seller…..Hmmmmm….What a concept…

The folks that I know who really allow their clients, potential business partners and contacts set the expectations of how they wish to be treated…

Are making some serious cash right now….they don't know anything about the so-called economic crisis…

You can bet on this… the SPAMMERS are trying to figure out how to put food on the table…

They are delivering nothing that is in alignment with anyone's true values…

Sales and marketing are RELATIONSHIP based businesses...

It doesn't matter if you are in a brick and mortar situation of if you are virtual…..

You have got to create a buying opportunity for people that maximizes the pleasure of doing business with YOU….

Serve other people FIRST by finding out HOW to serve them properly….

When your offer is in alignment with their needs and desires…

They will buy from you …. over and over and over again….

The Platinum Rule…

It is my responsibility to treat others as they wish to be treated….

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